Who We are
Topcare is a holding company that currently runs healthcare businesses including medium level facilities in Kajiado and Nakuru counties in Kenya. The goal is provision of quality affordable services to the less privileged in society. Apart from comprehensive primary healthcare, Topcare provides more specialized services including diagnostics, surgical packages as well as outreach services including wellness and occupational health services.
Working with ITT Topcare has previously piloted the Hub-Spoke model to provide advanced diagnostic and therapeutics solutions to small health facilities. Experience gained during this time showed that there is need to work with such facilities to improve access to basic diagnostics and therapeutics. The COVID-19 pandemic showed that centralized care in tertiary facilities won’t suffice thus the need to equip them with oxygen.
Topcare is thus partnering with Oxygen Hub as a franchisee to roll out oxygen production in peri-urban and rural areas.

Our Partners

This is an entity of the Institute of Transformative Technologies (ITT) that has been set to increase medical oxygen supply to underserved peri-urban areas and small/mid-sized towns. Oxygen Hub serves as a multi-country franchisor that will support entrepreneurs with financing, equipment leasing and management support. As the entrepreneurs demonstrate consistent success, they will take over ownership of the assets. With initial focus on underserved peri-urban areas and small/mid-sized towns, distribution will gradually expand into rural areas via a hub-and-spoke model.
Oxygen Hub is providing aggregated procurement to improve bargaining power; standardized data-driven processes to create world-class management systems; blended financing to unlock additional investments and improved customer management processes including training.
The franchisees are existing or high-potential new oxygen entrepreneurs who will lead setup of medium-size PSA oxygen production facilities; launch and manage full franchisee business operations; implement and comply with SOPs and reporting / governance requirements and take full ownership of business after meeting performance and growth metrics
Our Model
The Difference
Topcare-Oxygen Hub will apply modern management systems to improve efficiency in production and delivery. This will ensure that it meets the needs of the clients in a timely manner. The target will be small-medium sized hospitals which have historically been neglected in oxygen supply, yet they attend to majority of patients some of whom require critical care.
Get Intouch
oxygen@topcarelimited.co.ke OR
Call us:
+254 704 573 637